I presently am looking into the option of joining a group of hermits in the Ozarks. Most of them are nuns, formerly of other expressions, who have desired to enter upon a life of greater solitude and prayer. The picture to the left, which I am not a part of, was taken about a year ago. I have been deeply impressed with the sanctity of this group of hermits. Our central daily occupation here in the summertime, involves tending to a large garden. The quantity of vegetables which we process in the growing season will last throughout the winter months. Hermits are not "closed in" personalities, as might be supposed, but are very friendly and sociable I have found. Life here can be lonely, but we understand why we are here. Few people possess the freedom or inspiration to be hermits. There is a significant amount of people who may desire to be a hermit, but never arrive at the opportunity. It is a life lived for God alone, not ideally an escape from people or circumstances. We are able to exercise works of charity within our little group and its structure of life.
Everyone who comes to attempt to live this life of solitude runs into a wall eventually. It is not easy to live in ones own company with so few outlets (no television, no personal car, no vacations) for an extended period of time, let alone a lifetime. A true hermit will have been given a reason why. Hermits, and people of all other contemplative expressions are affirmed in the conviction that a relationship with God through prayer is of pre-eminent importance in life, and so they witness to this belief outwardly, yet hiddenly in the world.
1 comment:
well, ahem. thank you?? heh heh.... just wanted to let you know that i've been reading your blog.... and while i don't always have something to 'add' to your words, they always make me think and are nice to take in throughout the day : )
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