Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Witness to Ultimate Truth

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina

Now known as Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, as the formal recognition of his Divine election has taken place in the church, Padre Pio was a man, an instrument, who possessed a special witness to the Truth of Christ the Redeemer. The Holy Spirit of God bestows a variety of gifts on many believers, many of which are mentioned in New Testament writings...prophecy, healing, words of wisdom, etc. Padre Pio, right around the time when this picture was taken (1919), received the wounds of Christ (stigmata) and bore them throughout his whole life as a priest. Needless to say, this drew much curiosity, devotion and enthusiasm from many people throughout the world. It was a remarkable phenomenon, and had been looked into and physically examined by doctor's and scientists. One scientist's evaluation came in a later talk:

"Critics who claim that the stigmata of the likes of Padre Pio are not authentic, have a tough opponent to contend with: MODERN SCIENCE."

"From the medical point of view, the stigmata cannot be considered as wounds or sores, because they do not heal even when treated," Dr. Silvestri explained. "They neither become infected nor do they decompose; they do not degenerate in necrosis, and do not exude a bad odor. They bleed and remain constant and unaltered for years, against all laws of nature."

Immediately after he died, in the late 1960's, the wounds vanished mysteriously, revealing no scars at all. Padre Pio, as an instrument of God's mercy and justice in the world, was a human being no different than any of us. But he was somehow chosen to bear an ineffable sign in the world pointing to the truth of the Redeeming Sacrifice of the Son of God. All such manifestations are given to draw the souls of men and women towards true religion...the saving Truth which God has revealed in His Son. Such powerful signs, as the life of Padre Pio was, also serve to vindicate ultimate justice. In the end, it will certainly be seen that more than enough "evidence" was given for mankind to believe and receive the rebirth which has been purchased for us on the cross. Padre Pio was a man of great suffering and so many mysterious gifts. The crucifix was truly the centerpiece of his devotion; so much that he participated in the mystery in the most exacting way possible. It just may be that our present century will have other such extraordinary witnesses of God's love and invitation.