The title of this blog entry certainly sounds philosophical. However the content is especially simple and comprehensible. The main point being made here is that we live in a universe of intelligent design. This does not imply merely that the order of things visible is intelligent, in some latent fashion, but rather that there is a living and active intelligence at work in all creation. Our Dynamic God is immanent in His handiwork.
Our relationship to all of created nature must be loving, respectful and nurturing. In my relationship to my two dogs, Charlie and Elijah, I can see how this attitude fosters symbiosis, harmony and happiness. Charlie and Elijah know that I love them, that I trust them, that I am gentle and playful. In response to this they are most loyal and seek to please me in accord with their capacities. We are filled with joy in each others presence. I believe that deep down inside, because of the good quality and nature of our relationship, we are healthfully nurtured from this in body and spirit. They are holistically good for me and I for them.
Back in 1988, Pope John Paul II wrote an encyclical entitled: On Social Concern. In this he raised to the level of a serious moral issue the subject of environmental concern and stewardship. What this means is that we will reap what we sow in our relationship to the created world around us. I'm not a huge proponent of the message of "Global Warming", but I do believe there is some truth in it. It is just that this is a slow process of cause and effect and therefore hard to clearly and unequivocally evidence. Noxious gases and pollutants, when disproportionately placed into a balanced harmony will likely have an effect. The world, with reference to the intelligence placed within it, will war against those who pollute it. This is a LIVING dynamic. Fish and insects among other creatures, it is my speculation, which suffer harm from toxins produced inharmoniously by mankind, will absorb such toxins and produce and introduce what is harmful or deadly for mankind. This is a theory obviously. But one which I find most compelling.
The Holy Spirit, when truly and fruitfully lived, will lead us to a relationship of reciprocal concern and cautious reverence towards the earth and the cosmos. This is an attribute of Supernatural Justice and we who abide in the Love, which is God, must seek to desire deeply and safeguard this attribute. God knows those who truly belong to Him, through the gentle, contemplative, cautious and solicitous character of their souls in relation to His creation, which in truth is an extension of the Divine personality.
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